Academic Coaching
What’s the difference between coaching and tutoring?
As a tutor, I help students learn by working together on schoolwork and test preparation. As an academic coach, I teach students how to learn by developing habits, practices, and organizational systems that they can take through their academic lives. By rolling both services into one package, I give students the best possible opportunity to find academic success.
How does academic coaching work?
In our coaching sessions, we begin by analyzing what is and isn’t working for you as a student. We diagnose specific problems and think about areas of potential growth or change. Then we start developing and implementing solutions. New habits take time to learn, so we track grades and progress over time, and practice every week to improve habits. I set up a Google Sheet with each of my students to record grades, habits, progress, commitments, to-do lists, and successes. When we look back at the semester you’ve just finished, we’ll identify ways to grow and improve for the next semester.
Are you struggling to remember information on tests and quizzes? We can practice new methods for studying and retaining information. Most students study by re-reading textbooks or notes, but that’s not usually enough to develop memory. Good studying involves retrieval practice - in other words, you need to quiz yourself in a lot of different ways if you want to be able to recall the information in the stressful test environment. I use Gretchen Wegner’s Anti-Boring Approach to improve students’ memory by making study materials quizzable. Finding new ways to retrieve information can also make studying more fun!
Are you having a hard time keeping tasks and due dates organized? We can develop an organizational system that makes sense to you and practice the habit of keeping it updated. I require all of my students to work with a planner of some kind - but more importantly, I provide support and accountability to get students actually using the systems we put in place. As time passes and you use your system more and more, you’ll find that it gets easier to stay organized and on top of your tasks.
Do you procrastinate and waste time when you need to be working? We can set up anti-procrastination tools like routines, timers, and lists. We can practice and build the habit of on getting in gear to get started on your work. If necessary, I can communicate with students daily to help keep them on-task and accountable. Procrastination is often a psychological struggle, so we can talk through what feelings or fears are behind the procrastination, to get to the root of the problem.
Do you also discuss non-academic issues?
Yes. I serve as a mentor in addition to being a coach and tutor. My first question in a coaching session is always about the student’s mood, emotions, and well-being. When we are struggling with stress, anxiety, or mental health issues, it makes it much harder for us to succeed and meet our goals. I am not a therapist, but I make it a priority to build a relationship with each student, and many students feel comfortable discussing their personal lives with me.